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Panda Updates – Friday, January 12

After being out of town for about a week, I returned to the Zoo and Ya Lun and Xi Lun looked like they had almost doubled in size. We really aren’t kidding when we say these two grow like weeds. Right now, both Ya Lun and Xi Lun weigh around 40 kilograms (or about 88 pounds), which is right on track for cubs their age. As they’ve gotten bigger, they have had to adjust some of their favorite sleeping spots. We’ve noticed recently that Xi Lun almost always goes to take a nap at the same place near the base of the structure in Dayroom 2. Ya Lun, still the bigger of the two, enjoys wedging herself between two of the logs and resting up on top of the structure.
Danica W.
Swing Keeper I, Mammals

(photo by Danica W.)

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