Zoo Atlanta will be closed on Tues., 1/21, due to continued unseasonably cold temperatures and the potential for winter weather.

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Panda Updates – Friday, February 16

Yesterday, the giant pandas’ indoor dayrooms got a makeover: We spent all day re-mulching the floors. Re-mulching is labor-intensive and dirty. First, we have to remove all of the enrichment and move all of the logs to one side of the dayroom. Then, we dig out the old mulch, which is about 2 feet deep, from both dayrooms, which are around 1,500 square feet each. We dig the old mulch out by hand and remove it from the building in wheelbarrows. Finally, we bring in the new mulch by wheel barrow, dump it out in the dayrooms and spread it out. Overall, it took 13 people – keepers, our interns, horticulture staff and maintenance staff – six hours to complete both dayrooms. Of course, we still cared for the pandas as well throughout the process. Luckily, the rain held off, and the pandas were able to enjoy the day outside, so all of the work did not disturb them.
Heather R.
Senior Keeper, Carnivores

(photo by Jen W.)

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