Panda Update – Wednesday, March 27
The twins have hit another weight plateau, which means they aren’t quite as ravenous as sub-adults usually are. These plateaus are a normal part of “teenage” development with giant pandas. Because they aren’t as hungry, they have more energy to play! Sub-adult roughhousing and playtime is probably one the most fun things to watch (besides watching their dad dangling from the structure upside down, playing with his enrichment devices). Since they’re still growing and learning how to defend themselves, sub-adult giant panda play sessions can be pretty rough-and-tumble because they’re learning how to “attack” and “defend.” These are important skills to learn when they become sexually mature later on in life. Rest assured that it’s all fun and games with Ya Lun and Xi Lun; after these play sessions that zap all their energy, they always snuggle up next to each other for a well-deserved nap!
Jen W.
Keeper III, Mammals
Connect With Your Wild Side #onlyzooatl