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Now Open! Treetop Trail

Now Open: Treetop Trail presented by Kaiser Permanente; The Zoo Atlanta experience climbs to new heights with the grand opening of an all-new aerial playground ATLANTA – March 21, 2017 – Spring brings new adventures in zipping, zigging, zagging, balancing and climbing – stories above the ground – with the grand opening of Treetop Trail … Continue reading "Now Open! Treetop Trail"

Now Open! Treetop Trail

Now Open: Treetop Trail presented by Kaiser Permanente; The Zoo Atlanta experience climbs to new heights with the grand opening of an all-new aerial playground Spring brings new adventures in zipping, zigging, zagging, balancing and climbing – stories above the ground – with the grand opening of Treetop Trail presented by Kaiser Permanente on March … Continue reading "Now Open! Treetop Trail"

Panda Updates – Monday, March 20

As animals get older it is important to monitor their health with different criteria in mind. Heart health is especially important to monitor. With this in mind I am hoping to train the adult giant pandas for voluntary cardiac ultrasounds, much like the primate keepers are already doing with the great apes. I know of … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, March 20"

Panda Updates – Friday, March 17

You may have noticed that Lun and her munchkins spent the morning in a behind-the-scenes den the other day and were not seen in the dayroom during that time. This was because Lun Lun was passing a mucus stool. Every so often, giant pandas will shed the lining of their GI tract (likely the stomach). … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, March 17"

Keeper Stories – Thursday, March 16

A couple of weeks ago I had the distinct pleasure and honor of being an instructor for the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ (AZA) Amphibian Taxon Advisory Group’s (say THAT 10 times fast) Amphibian Biology and Captive Management Course (aka Amphibian School) hosted at Detroit Zoological Society’s National Amphibian Conservation Center (affectionately called the NACC). … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Thursday, March 16"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, March 15

Months ago in our nursery updates, you may remember us writing to you all about how we would sometimes do biscuit feeds with Lun Lun in order to encourage her to eat more bamboo. While biscuits are an important part of her balanced diet, they are viewed as a supplement, whereas bamboo is her primary … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, March 15"

Conservation – Wednesday, March 15

“Climate change poses a fundamental threat to everything we love. Melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and new and more frequent weather extremes will leave no continent untouched. Impacts are already being felt by many communities and ecosystems worldwide. Water supplies are shrinking, crop yields are dropping, forests are burning, and our oceans are becoming more … Continue reading "Conservation – Wednesday, March 15"

Keeper Stories – Tuesday, March 14

Hey there, readers! I hope you’re staying warm during this cold week! Today, I thought I’d answer one of the most popular questions I get from you guys: What do you do to help keep the animals from getting bored? This is one of my favorite questions to answer because it allows me to talk … Continue reading "Keeper Stories – Tuesday, March 14"

Panda Updates – Monday, March 13

The cubs are becoming expert climbers. They are still a bit awkward about it, but as soon as they go in the dayrooms now, they shoot up the structures. And now the playpen is nothing to them! Both cubs have successfully climbed out of the playpen and are usually waiting for us on top of … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, March 13"

Panda Updates – Friday, March 10

I know I wrote about Xi Lun coming in last week on her own, but she is doing so well at coming in when called, I have to brag about her again. Typically, at 6 months old, panda cubs are content to stay where they are (usually up high) and sleep the day away. But, … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, March 10"