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Panda Updates – Friday, June 2

One of my favorite things is watching cub personalities blossom. The girls are still small enough that we can safely clean around them as long as they stay in the dayroom structures. If they’re squirmy, but not wanting to come down and shift inside with their mom, we will offer them a leafeater biscuit or … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Friday, June 2"

Panda Updates – Wednesday, May 31

I have been up in pandas since mid-April, and this past week I worked in Hoofstock for two days. It is the first time I haven’t seen the cubs for more than a few days since I started working the panda routine. I know other keepers have mentioned it in past updates, but wow, do … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Wednesday, May 31"

Chick season is here!

Chicks! Not long ago another bird keeper talked about preparation for breeding season. Now that the season has really kicked off, we’re finding eggs more often. This means taking careful care when it comes to working around these nesting birds so that they can bring their new chicks into the world. Up in Zoo Atlanta’s … Continue reading "Chick season is here!"

Panda Updates – May 26

Yesterday, we fed out the last of the bamboo shoots for this season. The pandas and the keepers are totally bummed that shoot season has come to its inevitable end for the year. Bamboo shoot season is the best time of the year for us, but unfortunately, it only lasts for three to four weeks. … Continue reading "Panda Updates – May 26"

What makes sense?

We can only know the world around us by the context in which we sense it, both as individuals or even as species. Literally—individual humans with the five senses that are typical of our species can only perceive the world within the parameters of those senses. Individuals vary with respect to their sensory abilities, of … Continue reading "What makes sense?"

Wonderful warm weather at Wieland

Hooray, the warm weather has found us and it looks as though it is here to stay! Do you guys know what that means? The Program Animals Department, like the rest of the Zoo, is gearing up for another amazing summer season! Usually when you walk past our Wieland Wildlife Home building, you get to … Continue reading "Wonderful warm weather at Wieland"

Catching up with Ya Lun and Xi Lun

New foods and new skills are among the latest milestones for the only twin giant pandas in the U.S. The only twin giant pandas in the U.S. are well on their way to a series of exciting new milestones in the life of a growing bear cub. Ya Lun and Xi Lun, who were 8 … Continue reading "Catching up with Ya Lun and Xi Lun"

Panda updates – Wednesday, May 24

This is what I’m going to call the panda cold shoulder. Since I don’t work in the giant panda building as often as I would like, Ya Lun and Xi Lun don’t associate me with anything. So when I do try to get their attention, or dare even ask them to shift, I get this. … Continue reading "Panda updates – Wednesday, May 24"

Where are they now?

I can safely say all of us keepers love the animals. It doesn’t matter if we work with snakes or birds or elephants or naked mole rats or giraffes or alligators or lions. We care for and adore the animals immensely. So when they leave Zoo Atlanta (and us) for a new experience at a … Continue reading "Where are they now?"

Panda Updates – Monday, May 22

The cubs are reaching a new milestone: shifting and getting on the adult scale on their own! We started with having them approach the scale to receive their supplemental formula from a short distance and then from the next den over, and they both did well with that. Recently, we began trying to shift them … Continue reading "Panda Updates – Monday, May 22"