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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Impressed Tortoise of Trader’s Alley

Hello from the Herpetology Department, Zoo Atlanta fans! If you have visited the Zoo and taken a walk down Trader’s Alley in the past few months, you probably noticed a couple of empty tortoise habitats. As the signs posted outside these habitats explain, even Georgia’s winters can be a little too cold for some types of animals that come from warmer regions of the world. Because of this, the tortoises that are normally in these habitats live in an indoor, behind-the-scenes area during the winter months to keep them warm and happy.

However, I am excited to report that at least one of these two tortoise habitats is now back up and running for the summer! A beautiful little lady, an impressed tortoise (Manouria impressa), is now living in one of the two tortoise habitats in Trader’s Alley! Impressed tortoises are native to mountain forests in southeast Asia, so she fits right in with the other animals you can see in Trader’s Alley. Unfortunately, like many other species of turtle or tortoise, her wild counterparts are threatened with poaching for the pet trade. She’s a great example of why it’s always a good idea to do your research before getting a pet turtle or tortoise, and make sure you’re not getting one that has been harvested illegally from the wild. Be sure to stop by and visit her in her summer home in Trader’s Alley next time you’re at Zoo Atlanta!
Sara Porter
Keeper I, Herpetology

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