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Extending our conservation impact

Although we’ve learned about a variety of Zoo Atlanta’s conservation partnerships this year, we’ve only covered a fraction of the projects that the Zoo has supported over time. We learned about signature partnerships with Conservation South Luangwa in Zambia and the Golden Lion Tamarin Association in Brazil. Long-term commitments like these help programs plan strategically, which improves their ability to develop and implement effective conservation strategies. We also learned about the annual Quarters for Conservation program, which helps our partners deliver specific programs within their scope of work. 

Another way that Zoo Atlanta provides financial support to in-situ (in the wild) programs is through The Mabel Dorn Reeder Conservation Endowment Fund. These are funds that are only distributed to conservation projects that meet specific criteria. As with the Quarters for Conservation initiative, Zoo team members serve as ambassadors and apply for funding on behalf of programs, often developing lasting relationships and applying for funding each time the previous cycle ends (funding is provided for one to two years). Most of our 2024 projects represent continuing partnerships to benefit wildlife.  

Programs must demonstrate effective strategies in order to receive funding. For example, what is the team’s experience? Can they demonstrate measurable positive outcomes? Do they work with local communities to address threats? Do they have relevant government support? How will the funding be used to achieve their goals? You can learn about the 2024 projects here, and be sure to follow them on social media to see the impact of their work! 

Sarah Hamilton
Interpretation Specialist

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