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Exciting changes underway

If you’ve visited us recently, you may have visited on a day when what we call the “elephant bridge,” the wooden visitor pathway that connects the main spine to our current African Plains area, has been intermittently closed to foot traffic. On behalf of all of us at Zoo Atlanta, we appreciate your patience with this temporary inconvenience. It’s making some very exciting renovations possible!

We are renovating the elephant habitat so that the area can be modified to allow Kelly and Tara to move into their new African Savanna habitat later this summer. Looking ahead, this will also enable the remodeling of the habitat as the future home of new southern white rhinos.

Over the past couple of weeks, Members and guests have asked me a great question: Just how will Kelly and Tara move? Modifications are being made that will ultimately open up one end of the space, and protective barriers will be constructed to open up an area through which Kelly and Tara will be able to walk into their new habitat.

What’s the plan then? Kelly and Tara will be in the new indoor Zambezi Elephant Center for a period while grass in their new habitat is being planted and given a chance to germinate. The rest of the time will be dependent on Kelly and Tara as they acclimate to their new spaces. Their comfort and well-being are our number-one priorities. We can’t wait to share updates with all of you on this major milestone for Kelly and Tara and for the elephant program at Zoo Atlanta.

Until it’s time for them to move, Kelly and Tara will be using different spaces of our current elephant complex. These include their indoor area, the outdoor area adjacent to their indoor area, and two additional behind-the-scenes areas.
Elephant Program Manager and Elephant Lead Keeper
(photo by Scott Hooper)

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