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Celebrating birthdays behind the scenes

Hello everyone! Last week was a busy one for Team B in the Primate Department as we celebrated FIVE birthdays! Although the Zoo is currently closed to the public, we still enjoy celebrating behind the scenes and even threw a few birthday parties!

The first birthday was in gorillas with Willie B., Jr., son to the late, great Willie B., who turned 22 years old. The Gorilla Care Team celebrated his birthday in style with plenty of tasty treats and handmade decorations, and knowing him, there probably wasn’t a single treat left over.

The second birthday was for Keju in the orangutan area, who turned 5 years old. Keju came to Zoo Atlanta back in 2015 from the Henry Vilas Zoo to be raised by our resident “Super Mom” Madu, who serves as a foster mother in the orangutan population. Since then, Keju has grown into an outgoing, independent individual, who loves to play with her older brother Remy. The Orangutan Care Team  took photos of her birthday celebration, so make sure to check out Zoo Atlanta’s social media to see all the decorations and treats!

Next up was Tiete, a golden lion tamarin in the small primate area, who turned 9 years old. Tiete was born here at Zoo Atlanta in 2011 and currently lives with Blixx, a female golden lion tamarin. Our fourth birthday was for 6-year-old Harley, another golden lion tamarin! He was born in 2014, and came to Zoo Atlanta last year, to join Eva, yet another golden lion tamarin here at the Zoo. The Small Primate Care Team made sure to give both Tiete and Harley extra waxworms, grapes, and banana, some of their favorite foods!

And what about the fifth birthday, you may be asking? Well that one was a bit different from the rest, as it was for a human! Primate Lead keeper Patti also had her birthday this week, and the Primate Team celebrated with a lunchtime cookout and enjoyed some bonding time with one another. Thanks for joining me for this Team B update, and please join me in wishing all five of our recipients a “Happy Birthday!”
Jenny G.
Keeper III, Primates

(photo by Courtney M.)

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