Zoo Atlanta will be closed on Tues., 1/21, due to continued unseasonably cold temperatures and the potential for winter weather.

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A Zoo adventure is a chance to save a species

The role of the Ambassador Animals Team is quite critical and is more important than ever. If you’ve ever seen a World of Wild Theater or Amy’s Tree presentation or animal encounter or have visited the petting zoo, then you’ve already interacted with one of us, and hopefully during that interaction you learned a thing or two. And that learning is the reason why our jobs are so critical.

In addition to a fun and educational day with family or friends, we see your Zoo adventure as an opportunity to save a species. Look at the southern three-banded armadillo: It is a mammal from South America that, when rolled up, resembles a coconut. This circular creature is listed as Near-Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), meaning that if its habitats continue to be destroyed, the species may become listed as threatened or possibly even endangered. Luckily, the southern-three banded armadillo has a voice expressed through those of us who care for these animals here at the Zoo. You may have never heard of this animal before, or may have never seen an armadillo, but our wish is that when you see one at the Zoo, on TV or in the wild, it will fill you with joy and spark an interest inside you to learn more. The more you learn about how valuable armadillos are to the world, the more compassion you will develop in your heart. From an onlooker’s perspective, compassion may not appear to be a very powerful tool, but when combined with determination and a little patience, I truly believe that compassion will play an ultimate role in the future for wildlife and wild places. With an open heart, together we can save wildlife.
Deidre Ousterhout
Keeper II, Ambassador Animals

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