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10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday, November 8

This past Saturday, November 5, Zoo Atlanta celebrated World Lemur Day. We had a great day full of activities and information. We had a table with coloring books kids could color and also take home to learn about lemurs. We had a poster puzzle in the shape of Madagascar with lemur facts and showed how deforestation has greatly decreased the home range of lemurs in Madagascar. I had painted with our ringtailed lemurs and made some magnets out of their art.

Money raised through the sale of those magnets will be going directly to Madagascar to help fund the Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group (MFG). This organization employs 51 people. Some of them are at the Research Station near Betompana National Reserve and a second group is at Parc Ivoloina. The MFG works on projects to help the ruffed lemur population, as well as helping the amphibians and plant life found there. Zoo Atlanta has supported this group in the past, and I was excited to be able to further support them on World Lemur Day.

When I started working with the lemurs several years ago, I immediately loved working with them! When World Lemur Day started in Madagascar in 2014, I knew I wanted to participate. Last year was the first year we held World Lemur Day at the Zoo, and this year I feel we made it just a little better. Zoo Atlanta currently has two ringtailed lemurs and three black-and-white-ruffed lemurs. If you missed World Lemur Day, you can still come visit the lemurs in The Living Treehouse! Hope to see you at the next World Lemur Day!
Michele Dave
Keeper II, Primates 

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