Panda Updates- Thursday, March 30
If you swing by the giant panda dayrooms in the next few weeks, you will notice some big changes taking place. The climbing structures in both dayrooms are being completely redone! Work on the structure in Dayroom 1 (the dayroom that has historically held the hammock) is already well underway, and the second structure will follow shortly after the first is completed. The existing structures have been here for many years, so something new will be very enriching for the pandas and their care team alike! The new structures being created will hopefully create more dynamic spaces for the pandas to use. A great deal of thought and planning took place between the Panda Care Team and the builders to determine what elements we thought would be important to keep, what we would like to see added, and what the pandas would find most useful. We wanted each structure to have elements that would be good for climbing, resting, eating, draping, and other natural behaviors that we would like to continue to see from all of the bears. Check back soon to see the new digs!
Megan H.
Keeper II, Mammals
Connect With Your Wild Side #onlyzooatl