Trimming our hooves
Hello from the Hoofstock Team! Like most of you, our team is ready to say goodbye to 2020 and are looking forward to starting the new year! We are very excited to start off 2021 with a visit from a consultant from the Zoo Hoofstock Trim Program (ZHTP). The ZHTP has made a huge effort to raise awareness of the importance of hoof care in zoological facilities over the last 10 years. They regularly travel around the country to help maintain the hoof health of zoo herds. You may remember back in May, the Zoo brought this specialized team of experts in to assist with a procedure on Abu, the Zoo’s oldest giraffe, to trim his hooves. The procedure went incredibly well, and we are continuing to work with Abu on a daily basis in order to make these trims a more regular, voluntary procedure. Over the past few months, these efforts have stalled some and we need to get them back on track.
Because of this, the Zoo has arranged for a consultant from the ZHTP to make a return trip to Zoo Atlanta to check up on the Zoo’s tallest residents and help us continue to improve on the team’s hoof care program. In addition to the Zoo’s eldest giraffe, Abu, we are also working with the two younger boys, Etana and Isooba, to help keep their feet in tip top shape. We can’t wait to learn from the best in the industry and look forward to sharing what we’ve accomplished with all of you.
Bridget S.
Keeper III, Mammals
Connect With Your Wild Side #onlyzooatl