WHAT: Zoo Atlanta will be closed on January 20 due to unseasonably cold temperatures expected throughout the day on Saturday. Check zooatlanta.org for updates on opening times for Sunday, January 21.
The Zoo’s grounds will be closed for the safety of visiting Members and guests, but animal care continues regardless of whether the Zoo is open or closed. The safety, well-being, and comfort of the animals are the Zoo’s number-one priorities. Zoo Atlanta has protocols in place year-round for a variety of extreme temperatures and weather events, including unseasonable cold.
Preparations for unusual temperatures happen in advance, and efforts are already in place to ensure the comfort and safety of every animal in the population. Each species housed at Zoo Atlanta has its own temperature guidelines dependent upon its native region of origin, and as such, these guidelines vary across animal areas.
The Animal Care Teams monitor weather forecasts well in advance. Preparations for cold include but are not limited to shifting animals into indoor areas and providing access to supplemental heat, nesting, or burrowing materials, depending upon the needs of the species.
WHERE: Zoo Atlanta
800 Cherokee Avenue, S.E.
Atlanta, GA 30315
Connect With Your Wild Side #onlyzooatl