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9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Signature wine festival will feature live music from The Purple Madness, the ultimate tribute to Prince.

WHAT: Atlanta’s wildest wine festival will soon come uncorked at Sippin’ Safari on Saturday, September 16. Tickets are still available for the signature event, which will feature wine sampling and live music from The Purple Madness, the ultimate tribute to Prince, on the Ford Pavilion stage.

In addition to the variety of wines available for tasting and live musicThe Purple Madness will be joined by SBC Duo and Ben Wade Band – guests are surrounded by the wildlife of the Zoo, the distinction that sets Sippin’ Safari apart from any other Atlanta wine tasting event. Zoogoers can also take a deeper dive into animal care with Special Keeper Talks. Most animals will be in their habitats until roughly dusk. Guests can enjoy free rides on the Endangered Species Carousel until 8 p.m.

A limited selection of beer will also be available. Food will be available for purchase.

VIP tickets are now sold out. General admission tickets are $65 for Zoo Atlanta Members; $75 for non-Members. Advance online ticket purchase is strongly recommended. Get tickets and details here at Sippin’ Safari is an event for ages 21 and up only; guests without photo ID or guests under 21 will not be admitted.

Zoo Atlanta will close early on Saturday, September 16, in preparation for Sippin’ Safari. Gates will close at 1:30 p.m.; grounds will close at 3 p.m.

Learn more or plan a visit at

WHEN: Saturday, September 16, 2023, 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

WHERE: Zoo Atlanta
800 Cherokee Avenue, S.E.
Atlanta GA 30315    



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