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Giant Pandas Projects

panda_140109_po_za_4253The giant pandas at Zoo Atlanta are on loan from China. The Zoo pays an annual loan fee for the pandas, and this money is used for giant panda conservation. Zoo Atlanta has contributed over $10 million for conservation of giant pandas in China, making this our largest conservation investment. The majority of these funds are used for projects for wild giant pandas, and eight different nature reserves have been supported with these funds.

Projects fall under three categories: research, infrastructure and management. Examples of giant panda conservation activities supported by Zoo Atlanta include research on genetic diversity; construction of protection stations; reserve management and reforestation projects; and purchase of equipment used by reserve staff to census and monitor panda populations.

Where: China

Who: Zoo Atlanta

Why: People often hear about the plight of endangered species and feel powerless to help, yet for many species, the average person can make a big difference. This is certainly the case for giant pandas. Funding for these programs is raised through donations  and from admissions to the Zoo, meaning that by visiting Zoo Atlanta, guests are helping to save giant pandas in the wild.

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