Endangered Species Day

May 18

Endangered Species Day is held annually on the third Friday in May to bring awareness to the plight of wildlife populations.

This Endangered Species Day, we are throwing a Party for the Planet!

 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 

Join us for games, activities, and challenges to discover how healthy habits can create healthy habitats (and vice versa).

  • Make your own seed bombs and learn how you can help pollinators and other natural wildlife species.
  • Visit our Biofact Station and get hands-on with skulls, feathers, and more to learn about species that have benefited from the Endangered Species Act and have come back from the brink of extinction.
  • How are you going to help protect wildlife? Join us at our Pledge Table to learn about different actions and let us know how you want to help.
  • Discover how you can connect to nature and contribute to scientific research at our Citizen Science Station.
  • Stop by the Home is Where the Heart Is Conservation Station in the Ford Willie B. Gorilla Conservation Center to find out how you can help combat habitat loss (open between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.).
  • Keep an eye out during your trip around the Zoo. Select animals may enjoy special enrichment throughout the day.

Stations can be found on Tembo Trek and along the Main Spine. Activities are free for Zoo Atlanta Members and children under 3; free with general admission.

Why should you care?

We share the Earth with an amazing variety of species.

From microscopic bacteria to massive mammals like the blue whale or African elephant, all life on Earth is connected. Although some of these connections are easier to see than others, we must remember that our actions impact the lives of numerous other species. As the human population continues to grow, it is increasingly imperative to lessen our individual impacts on the environment that supports all life on Earth.

You can help by taking simple actions to reduce the environmental impact of your daily life.

Small actions, like cutting out one serving of beef each week from meals, reducing single-use plastics, and growing native plants in your yard, can have positive impacts on wildlife.

Connect With Your Wild Side #onlyzooatl