Keeper Talks

Keeper Talks are free educational conversations between animal experts and our guests. Visitors can enjoy learning about animals from the African savanna all the way to giant tortoises of the Aldabra atoll. Many of these include an opportunity to watch the animals during their feeding times.

Activity Type: Keeper Talks:

Scientist Talk

Learn about animal welfare from a research scientist at Zoo Atlanta. 

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Alligator Snapping Turtle Talk

Learn about the alligator snapping turtle. The talk will include information on their natural history, individual history and conservation.

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Panamanian Golden Frog Talk

Learn about the panamanian golden frog. The talk will include information on their natural history, individual history and conservation.

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King Vulture Keeper Talk

Learn about the king vulture. The talk will include information on their natural history, individual history and conservation.

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Wrinkled Hornbill Keeper Talk

Learn about wrinkled hornbills from their animal care professionals. 

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Zoo Detective

Meet Zoo Atlanta’s Chief Detective and watch as they investigate the most unusual happenings around Zoo Atlanta and bring the...

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Southern Ground Hornbill Keeper Talk

A Bird Team member will give an informative chat about southern ground hornbills, including information about their natural history, individual...

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Biofact Exploration

Meet an Educator and learn about animals through biofacts. 

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Patagonian Mara Keeper Talk

Meet one of world’s larger rodents and learn about the features that make them unique!

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Gorilla Training Session

Watch a training session in action at the Willie B. Gorilla Conservation Center. Learn what training entails, why we do...

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Warthog Keeper Talk

Learn all about warthogs from our animal care team.

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Lion Talk

Learn more about our trio of African lions with fun facts on their diet, behaviors and more!

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Elephant Care Demonstration

Learn about the specialized care elephants receive at Zoo Atlanta, and the human-animal relationships that make that care possible. Guests...

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Alpaca Talk

Learn about the Huacaya alpacas, Tuscany, Warrior and Smurf.

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Animal Encounter presented by Georgia Natural Gas

Meet an ambassador animal, and learn about its importance in the ecosystem. presented by  

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Komodo Dragon Talk

Learn more about Komodo dragons from some of our animal care professionals. 

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Giant Otter Talk

Learn more about otters from their animal care professionals. 

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Monkey Feeding

Watch an afternoon feeding. 

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Sun Bear Feeding

Learn about these impressive carnivores from their animal care professionals. 

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Hooded Vulture Talk

Learn about the hooded vulture. The talk will include information on their natural history, individual history and conservation.

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Lappet-faced Vulture Talk

Join a bird expert for facts on nature’s cleanup crew and be there for the vultures' afternoon feeding!

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Orangutan Feeding

Be there for the orangutans’ afternoon fruit feeding– a great chance to see these incredible apes in action!

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Gorilla Feeding (Habitat 1)

Watch a keeper give the gorillas their afternoon fruit, and learn more about their care – a perfect chance to...

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Orangutan Talk (Habitat 2)

Be there for the orangutans’ afternoon fruit feeding and hear from an animal care professional – a great chance to...

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Flamingo Talk

Learn more on about our flock of Chilean flamingos with fun facts on their diet, behaviors and more!

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Gorilla Research Talk

Find out about the cutting-edge work Zoo Atlanta staff is doing to learn more about gorilla behavior!

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Gorilla Keeper Talk and Feeding (Habitat 1)

Watch a keeper give the gorillas their afternoon fruit, and learn more about their care – a perfect chance to...

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Gorilla Feeding (Habitat 3)

Watch the gorillas get their afternoon fruit – a perfect chance to see the troop on the move.

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