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9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Update on Abu the giraffe

The Animal Care and Veterinary Teams at Zoo Atlanta will soon undertake a significant veterinary procedure for the well-being of one of the Zoo’s elder mammals: Abu, a 14-year-old male giraffe.

Abu, who is within the geriatric frame of the typical giraffe lifespan, experiences arthritis in his front left foot. While the Animal Care and Veterinary Teams have been treating his arthritis with anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications for some time, Abu requires hoof trimming to appropriately ameliorate his condition. General anesthesia is required for the procedure – an approach which carries a high risk for complications, especially for giraffes.

For the procedure, Zoo Atlanta is engaging the partnership of an external professional team specializing in the hoof care of giraffes. The goal is that the hoof trim will slow the progression of Abu’s arthritis. Updates will be provided as soon as Abu’s condition is known.

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