Boo at the Zoo

October 26 and 27

Thanks for a great 2024 Boo at the Zoo!

Come back next year to wake the Komodo dragon, gila monster and hooded vultures! Boo at the Zoo is FREE for Zoo Atlanta Members and children under 3; FREE with general admission.


9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Zoo Atlanta’s Boo at the Zoo is Atlanta’s favorite fun family Halloween festival! During the last two weekends of October from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., enjoy trick or treating, plenty of photo opportunities, themed entertainment and activities, costumed characters, and so much more. Costumes are welcome, please take a moment to read over our rules.

Boo at the Zoo is about creating special memories with the family, not necessarily to bring home the biggest haul of candy. Come for the candy but stay for the fun! This event is rain-or-shine; however, some activities may be delayed or canceled due to rain.

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors

Presenting Sponsor
Georgia Natural Gas logo
Supporting Sponsor
Kaiser Permanente logo
Pumpkin Sponsor
coca cola logo

The Scare Factor

Boo at the Zoo is merry, not scary!

  • Decorations: Boo at the Zoo décor includes mostly friendly spooks!
  • Costume Guidelines: While we encourage creativity, we also value safety, good judgment, and animal welfare. Please take a moment to read over our latest rules and regulations:
    • Costumes must be family-friendly and may not be obstructive, offensive, objectionable, or violent.
    • Costumes may not contain any weapons that resemble or could easily be mistaken for an actual weapon.
    • Costumes may not contain sharp objects, pointed objects or materials that may accidentally strike another guest.
    • No large, full-body inflatable costumes as they may unintentionally spook our animals.
    • Be merry, not scary! Adults may dress in costumes, but we ask that they be family-friendly and not scary.
    • Please no gore or clowns.
    • As this event caters to small children, adults may NOT wear costume masks that cover the face. Zoo Atlanta reserves the right to ask adults to remove costume masks.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Interested in having a presence at Boo at the Zoo? Contact for more information. 



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